
Tuesday, October 07, 2003

As predicted, last weeks strange sales job was short lived. My career in selling children ended on wednesday after approacing about 200 people about sponsering a child and recieving 2 completed forms. As the job only paid if we managed to actually sell the children I figured that it wasn't my calling anyway. So it's back to trapsing the streets going from agency to agency, knocking on doors and using up all my call credit being told by some psycic secretary that I'm overqualified and under experienced or that they don't have anything in my particular field. I won't let the bastards get me down yet. I'm loving Sydney after all and just had a great bank holiday weekend with Monique going to a latin music festival, sheltering from the rain in the arch of the opera house and getting aquanted with the legendary "Irish Pubs" of Sydney. Walking into the 'Cock an Bull' in Bondi junction was like taking a step through any pub in Ireland, not the fake Iorish pub feeling, the debaucherous football shirt wearing unstylishness that epitomises everything Irish. I had been putting it off long enough but I knew that you can't live in county Bondi for two weeks and not go to the biggest 'home away from home' this side of the equator. As we're having a week for reunions I'm going to meet up with Chris tonight, you may remember him from such adventures as 'Snowboarding in Queenstown' and 'Hiking the Franz Joseph Glacier'.
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